Welcome to Holly Avenue Elementary School, a partnership of students, teachers, parents, and community working together to provide a challenging, engaging, and inspiring educational experience for our students. Respect for self and others is fostered in an atmosphere of cooperation, collaboration, and mutual understanding at Holly Avenue.
Our goal is to provide experiences and opportunities that lead Holly students to become lifelong learners who are skilled in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking in order to serve as contributing members of local and global communities. Students participate in active learning experiences and cooperative learning techniques are strongly supported. Teachers in each grade level work as a collaborative team to analyze achievement data, set educational goals, identify and ensure essential standards are being taught, and share assessment results to enhance the quality of lessons and learning. Our school’s goal is to improve ALL students’ success in school. Our curriculum strives for instructional balance to meet the needs and learning styles of all students.
Holly Avenue staff and parents appreciate that learning is a developmental process and that children need to make appropriate choices about their learning and to be personally responsible, accountable, and aware of the impact we all have on others. Holly’s instructors encourage curiosity, asking questions, thinking about their own learning, perseverance, and self-direction.
Students are continually exposed to instructional strategies that cause them to communicate, problem-solve, and collaborate with each other in a trusting and supportive learning environment. Cooperation and a positive sense of self are the results!
Date: Wednesday, February, 19th Time: 6:00 - 7:00 with Q&A to follow Title: "How to Become a More Effective Parent" A presentation by Parent Education Bridge for Student Achievement Foundation.
The following topics will be discussed during the parent workshop: 1. Understanding your child's development 2. Effective communication and discipline 3. Fostering emotional intelligence 4. Creating a supportive home environment